Saturday, June 12, 2010

A Chilly Saturday in Auckland

Very Chilly today in Auckland with intermittent showers throughout the day. I was so lucky with my walk this morning as I set out at the tail end of the shower walked the lovely streets of Hillcrest and was home again just a few minutes before the next downpour.

I had a delicous Pumpkin & Kumara soup that my sister in law made for lunch. She is looking fabulous and is now at goal (I am soo Jealous!). It was great catching up with much of the talk about food and points and sharing tips!!

Weigh In tomorrow so I am hoping the return of regular walks this week as well as the food choices and tracking will produce the desired results!!


1 comment:

  1. Oohh Kumara and Pumpkin soup sounds delish!! Can I have that recipe? We've had Kumara soup a few times lately - filling and yummy.
    Was thinking of you today as I was walking - go see my post about our differences in temperature for outdoor exercise!!
    Good luck with the WI.
