Sunday, June 13, 2010

Disappointing Loss today!!

Well I wrongly had a sneak peek yesterday which had me at 76.4 so was expecting a good loss with weigh in this morning

How wrong that was!!The disappointment today as my official weighin had me at 77!! a paltry 100gm loss. At least its a loss but I was expecting more!!

Not sure what has happened but now will be working twice as hard to shift downwards. I will have less processed food and see if that helps as many of my snacks had become processed cereal bars and pop chips which are quick and easy to grab but not necessarily the best choice. So today I have stocked up on plenty of fresh fruit and with delicious apples and mandarins in season they will be my first choice snack.

I had been a little haphazard with exercise these last few weeks but last week saw me battling the elements in order to get back into this routine which had served me so well since I started 5 1/2 months ago.

Deb you list of NSV (Non Scale Victories) that you listed are inspirational!

So To remind myself I will share a few of mine
* I can fit a pair of regular boots!!
* 5 flights of stairs and I can have a conversation when I get to the top!
* I can sit and cross my leg!
* my blood pressure is normal (no Medication)
* My skin is so much clearer with less breakouts!
* I now do not turn to food when I am stressed
* In 23 weeks I have not had a episode of binge eating!

I do not feel DISAPPOINTED today!


  1. I did the same thing! The sneak peek had me excited, but the WI day result was disappointing. Ah well,some weeks we get pleasant surprises too. It all evens out.
    I like your list. I love being able to recognize new things about myself. The absence of binge eating is the best part I think. This control we've found is awesome.
    I bet you'll lose well next week. Keep thinking about your Melbourne visit!!

  2. I hate it when that happens - remember to keep looking forwards not backwards.
    Which it seems you are doing by reminding yourself how far you have come and sometimes we need these little kicks to force us to re-evaulate where we are and what we are doing.
    I am sure the scales will be kinder to you next week!

  3. Hello Liz! Yes, I'm sure we can all relate to a disappointing loss when we're expecting to lose so much more!

    I confess to weighing on my WW scales every morning! I have tried to restrict it to once per week prior to weigh-in but that was doing my head in as my scales were NEVER the same as those at weigh-in!

    Now, I like to keep a daily check of myself and that way I seem to have more of an idea what to expect at weigh-in!

    I know others would be appalled at this but.... this works for me!

    Brave you, out in the elements on these cold, dark mornings! I've been so slack, prefering to exercise on the walker in front of the TV though I must confess, I do miss the wide open spaces!

    Have a great week! Gae oxoxo
